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This website is managed by the Hong Kong Dental Association. |
This website is open to all current members of Hong Kong Dental Association who are registered dentists in Hong Kong. For practice page design and upload, please contact the Hong Kong Dental Association. |
Disclaimer: The Hong Kong Dental Association will try to verify all the information submitted. However, the Association is not responsible for any errors in the information presented and the liabilities arising from the error. |
本網頁由香港牙醫學會管理。 |
任何已成為香港牙醫學會會員的香港註冊牙醫都可以參加《香港牙醫網》。關於網頁版面安排及上載之詳情,請與香港牙醫學會秘書處聯絡為荷。 |
免責聲明︰香港牙醫學會承諾會儘量核對由牙醫所提供的所有資料之準確性,但對任何因資料謬誤而導致的損失並不負上任何責任。 | |